Creative Prompts – Pros & Cons

Creative Prompts – Pros & Cons

Creativity is another word for exploration, and sometimes the best way to get this journey started is by the use of prompts. Today,  I’m going to share my process of creating a mixed media abstract collage called “Playground,” created by combining a few different prompts. I encourage you to explore the pros and cons of using prompts and how combining them can help you create art that actually resonates with your own style.


Let me begin by saying that I’m not a huge fan of prompt-based challenges. I see too many people spending too much precious creative time looking for some obscure image. If I only have one hour in my studio, I don’t want to spend twenty-five minutes finding an image of a rhinoceros, and another fifteen minutes figuring out how I can use this stupid rhinoceros in a collage… Don’t get me wrong – a prompt may be just the thing you need to get started, and getting started is often the hardest part of creating.

Let’s talk about the good points and not-so-good points of using prompts to spur your creativity.


  1. Inspiration and Direction:

Prompts provide a starting point. They can spark ideas when you’re feeling uninspired or stuck. For “Playground,” I began with four distinct prompts: the monthly challenge in our membership of DOTS, my Word of the Year BOLD, an assignment from Collage Coaching Week to use mainly PAINTED PAPERS, and an additional desire to add markmaking.

  1. Challenge and Growth:

Working within the constraints of prompts pushes you out of your comfort zone and can encourage creative problem-solving and experimentation. For instance, the prompt PAINTED PAPERS forced me to think creatively about textures and colors without relying on my usual, vintage printed source materials.

  1. Focused Creativity:

Prompts narrow down the endless possibilities, helping you focus on specific themes or techniques. This can be particularly useful in mixed media, where the abundance of materials and methods can be overwhelming. Starting with just a few papers, instead of spending half of your creative time hunting for the “perfect” addition, can force you to find a creative way to combine your limited source materials.

  1. Community and Connection:

I’d be doing you a disservice if I did not give credit to such prompt-based challenges as Februllage. Indeed, the month of February belongs to collage artists worldwide, and this monthlong challenge can broaden your perspective in many ways. Participating in prompt-based challenges connects you with other artists working on the same or similar themes. It fosters a sense of community and provides opportunities for feedback and collaboration.


  1. Limitations on Creativity:

While prompts may guide you, they can also feel restrictive. If a prompt doesn’t resonate with you, it could stifle your creative flow. The key is to interpret prompts in a way that aligns with your artistic vision and style.

  1. Overwhelm from Too Many “Rules”:

Combining multiple prompts or self-imposed “rules” can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s essential to balance adhering to the prompts with allowing your creativity to flow naturally.

  1. External Influence:

If you rely too heavily on prompts, you might be creating art that feels more like an assignment rather than an authentic expression of your personal style. It’s really important to use prompts as a guide rather than a rule.


1. Start with a Theme:

Begin by considering how each prompt can contribute to a cohesive theme. For “Playground,” I envisioned a vibrant, playful abstract collage. The prompt DOTS became a motif throughout the piece, while BOLD inspired the use of bright, contrasting colors.

2. Plan Your Materials:

With the prompt PAINTED PAPERS, I gathered a variety of hand-painted papers in different textures and patterns. This step allowed me to have a rich palette of materials to work with.

3. Make It Your Own:

Incorporate certain elements or materials that are unique to your artistic style. My favorite markmaking tools added personal touches and intricate details, making the piece unmistakably mine.

4. Be Flexible:

While you are creating, stay open to where the art wants to take you. Prompts should guide but not confine. If an idea deviates from the original prompts but feels right, go for it!

Using prompts can be a powerful tool in your mixed media collage practice. Prompts can offer direction, foster your artistic growth, and connect you with a larger community of artists. By combining prompts thoughtfully and flexibly, you can create art that not only meets the challenge but also speaks to your personal style.

I hope this post and video inspire you to embrace prompts and see where they take your creativity. Happy creating!

PLAYGROUND – abstract mixed media collage on 140 lb. watercolor paper

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